Month: December 2023

Search Engine Optimisation: Ready-Set Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the set of tactics, processes and technology that help businesses optimise their website content and online presence so search engines can find it. It includes various strategies for increasing unpaid website traffic through organic search results.

This traffic comes from search engines displaying relevant searches when people enter keywords or phrases. Many factors go into search engine optimisation, including keyword research, on-page and off-page SEO and link building. For more information about the Ready-Set search engine optimisation, click here.

The goal is to make your business visible to a broader audience while providing search engines with all the information they need to understand what you do. This is accomplished through tactics and practices such as:

Keyword Research

search engine optimisationKeyword research is a crucial first step to SEO. It’s how you discover the words and phrases your customers use to find your products and services, and it enables you to create content aligned with search intent.

The goal of keyword research isn’t to develop a giant list of keywords but to identify the best opportunities for your business. Fat head keywords with high volumes like ‘hiking’ can be challenging to rank for and have a low level of intent, while long-tail keywords like ‘best hiking shoes’ are a more targeted approach with a higher potential for conversions.

Using our keyword research template, you can quickly uncover keywords and their associated metrics. This will help you understand what to prioritise for your new and existing website content.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is everything you do on your website or individual web pages to make them as search-engine-friendly as possible. It includes things like using keywords in your content, writing compelling titles and meta descriptions, ensuring that your pages are well structured and easy to crawl, limiting the number of URLs on your site, keeping file sizes as low as possible (to speed up page load times), providing contextual links within your content to drive people deeper into your website, and much more. For more information about the Ready-Set search engine optimisation, click here.

The most important part of on-page SEO is keyword research, which provides the foundation for all your optimisation efforts. Creating helpful, informative, and relevant content that meets your target audience’s needs is also crucial. This will ultimately encourage them to share your content, driving more traffic to your site.

Off-Page SEO

While on-page SEO focuses on factors and techniques that your website can control, off-page SEO focuses on promoting your brand and content around the web. This includes PR activities, social media outreach, and influencer marketing.

Off-page SEO aims to build an effective digital footprint that proves your authority, trustworthiness, and popularity on the internet. This enables you to rank higher in search results.

Backlinks remain one of the most important off-page SEO factors, as they act as a vote of confidence by other websites and search engines that your content is good quality. However, other off-page SEO factors can also improve your website’s rankings, including unlinked mentions, positive online reviews, and a solid social media presence. These can all have a significant impact on your SEO.

Link Building

The amount and quality of inbound links are essential for search engine optimisation. A page with many high-quality links ranks better than fewer inbound links.

One of the best ways to build backlinks is by guest blogging. Another way is using a tool like Ahrefs to find out which pages on other websites link to yours. This information can help you plan and execute your link-building strategy. For more information about the Ready-Set search engine optimisation, click here.

It’s also worth looking at how your competitors are building links. An excellent place to start is by visiting their websites and seeing which pages are linked to them. Then, you can use a tool like Ahrefs to see the most valuable links.

Learn the Basics of Search Engine Optimisation

People search for information and products daily via search engines like Google. Search engines show relevant results by looking at hundreds of factors (their ranking algorithm) to determine a webpage’s relevance for a search query.

Learning SEO basics enables you to get the most out of your digital marketing efforts. This includes getting more visibility, credibility and customers online.