Month: July 2023

How to Optimise Your Website For Search Engines

Harper_Digital SEO Auckland optimises your website to reach the top of Google’s search results page. This enables you to attract more visitors interested in your products and services, increasing site traffic and potential business.

It’s essential to choose the right Auckland SEO agency to ensure that your campaign is a success. Look for online testimonials and reviews that are unbiased.

Keyword research

Harper_Digital SEO Auckland
Keyword research is the first step to creating an SEO strategy that drives organic traffic. It involves analysing the questions, problems, and solutions that your audience is searching for. This analysis should then inform your content and organic strategies. Keyword research is also a great way to find opportunities in your niche.

The most important thing to remember when conducting keyword research is that it’s not just about finding keywords with high volume and low competition. Search engine algorithms have shifted in recent years and focus on user intent. This means that it’s more important to create well-written content that answers the questions your audience is asking than simply cramming your content with keywords.

Using the right keywords can help you target the audience most likely to convert. There are several ways to find the right keywords, including paid competitive analysis tools that provide monthly search volume and keyword difficulty data. These tools will also help you identify related keywords and phrases and perform keyword grouping for more advanced keyword research.

Another way to do keyword research is to visit your competitor’s websites and look at their target search terms. This can be done by reviewing their website copy and viewing the searches that have brought them traffic in Google Analytics. You can also ask customer-facing employees about the types of search terms that their customers use. This can be especially helpful if you are in the business of providing service to your customers.

There are many different keyword research techniques; you should experiment with a few of them to find the one that works best for your company. Ideally, you should use multiple methods, such as competitive analysis, competitor backlinks, and topic clustering, to find the best keywords for your website. This will ensure you have the best chance of ranking for your chosen keywords.

Once you’ve researched, it’s time to begin writing and optimising your website for those keywords. Your goal is to get your website to rank in the top three positions on search engine results pages (SERPs), which will drive organic traffic to your site and increase brand awareness. A professional Harper_Digital SEO Auckland agency can provide you with a targeted and bespoke strategy to accomplish this.

On-page optimisation

A website is useless if it doesn’t get traffic, so SEO Auckland is essential for any business wanting to increase its online presence. The process of optimising a website for search engines involves a variety of strategies, including keyword research and on-page optimisation. Choosing an agency with the right expertise and experience is essential to ensure that your website ranks well in the search results.

To do this, look for an agency with a physical location in New Zealand and a professional-looking website. The agency should also provide details about its optimisation process and list testimonials from local New Zealand customers.

On-page optimisation improves web pages to make them more visible in search engine results pages (SERPs). It includes elements such as keywords, meta tags, and URL structure. It’s also essential to have internal links within your site to improve navigation and help Google crawl and index your pages more efficiently.

The most important aspect of on-page optimisation is high-quality page content. This is because it’s the one element of your site that communicates value to both Google and its users. Page content should be helpful, relevant, and accurate to improve your chances of ranking for competitive keywords.

Other on-page optimisation techniques include:

  • Ensuring that all images have alt tags.
  • Implementing proper navigation structures.
  • Using internal links to boost PageRank.

It’s also essential to use logical anchor text when linking to other pages on your site. For example, instead of “click here” for a link, you should use something like “Learn about our services”.

Off-page optimisation is promoting your website and gaining links from other websites to improve its visibility in SERPs. It can be done through various methods, including guest blogging, directory submission, and social media marketing. While off-page optimisation can take some time to see results, it’s critical to any SEO campaign.

A comprehensive Harper_Digital SEO Auckland SEO strategy will focus on on-page and off-page optimisation to drive more traffic to your site. This will enable you to reach a larger audience and turn them into paying customers.